Morovis, Puerto Rico
The Island Except Morovis

Morovis (mo-RO-vis) is known as the Island Except Morovi. The phrase used is originated in a cholera epidemic that devastated Puerto Rico in 1853. Historical records show that Morovis was the only municipality where no cases were reported, and every time the topic was mentioned people would say “All of the island, except Morovis”. Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the patron saint, and the festival in her honor is held in July.
Morovis is located in the northern part of Puerto Rico. The municipality is located in the humid northern hills, and the northernmost part of the territory is located in the karst area.
Morovis is bordered on the north by Vega Alta and Manatí, on the south by Orocovis, on the east by Vega Alta and Corozal, and on the west by Ciales. Since the land is very fertile and well irrigated, there is significant agricultural activity.
Today, the economy of the town is based on agriculture, cattle, and light manufacturing, including needlework. Crops include coffee, tobacco and fruits and vegetables. Cattle are raised principally for dairy use. According to 2002 statistics, there were 314 farms that grew tobacco with an annual harvest of 8,919 hundredweights, and 24 first class dairies, producing 8,343,864 quarts of milk.
Its Taíno name is derived from the river that flows through its northern wards. In 1815 a group of residents, under the leadership of Juan José de la Torre began the process to separate Morovis from Manatí with the purpose of establishing it as a town. They based the request on the distance they lived from the head of the municipality and the bad conditions of the roads that prevented them from attending mass and receiving aid from the authorities.
In 1817, the government of Puerto Rico approved the separation, but it wasn’t until the 1818 when the requirements of a population of one thousand residents and the firm commitment to construct a church and other public buildings was fulfilled, that the town of Morovis was officially founded.
Morovis’ first mayor was the founding captain, Juan José de la Torre. In 1822 the mayorship was constructed. In 1823 the new church of the town was constructed dedicated to Nuestra Señora del Carmen on lands donated by Juan Evangelista.
Morovis has a very peculiar nickname. It is known as “The Island Except Morovis”. This became an alternate name because in the year 1853 a cholera epidemic affected all the island. According to the records that were filed, Morovis was the only municipality that did not report cases of the epidemic. The expression became popular because whenever the subject of the cholera epidemic was mentioned… the phrase “The Island Except Morovis” was included.
It is bordered by: Manatí, Vega Baja and Vega Alta to the north; Orocovis to the south ; Corozal to the east; and Ciales to the west.
100.3 sq km / 38.6 sq mi
29,965 (census 2000)
Population Density:
298.7 per sq km / 776.2 per sq mi
People are known as:
Morovis is also known as:
La Isla Menos Morovis (The Island Except Morovis)
Wards: Morovis, Puerto Rico

Census 2000: Population by Wards – Morovis |
Habitants |
Barahona | 4,410 |
Cuchillas | 2,211 |
Fránquez | 4,205 |
Monte Llano | 2,781 |
Morovis Town | 1,004 |
Morovis North | 3,257 |
Morovis South | 3,595 |
Pasto | 777 |
Perchas | 1,354 |
Río Grande | 645 |
San Lorenzo | 844 |
Torrecillas | 739 |
Unibón | 3,495 |
Vaga | 648 |
Total | 29,965 |
Source: Censo 2000
Nuestra Señora del Carmen
Nuestra Señora del Carmen Parish
PO Box 428
Morovis, P.R. 00687-0428
(787) 862-2620
Founded: 1823
Matron festivities: July 16

It belongs to the northern region of humid hills; in addition, the northern part of its territory is part of the karst zone, which is distinguished by the presence of caverns, wooded hills and drains.
It is bathed by the Grande de Manatí river and its affluents: the rivers Bauta, Culebra, and Sana Muertor; and the gorges La Animas, La Mina, Perchas, Del Muerto, Los Cabros, Minas, Riachuelo, Grande de San Lorenzo, Suro, Riego, Quintero, Pozo de Magala and Del Guano. The remaining bodies of water in this municipality belong to the Cibuco river basin. These are the Unibón and Morovis rivers, all affluents of the Indio river. The Carreras river and the Monte Llano gorge belong to the Unibón river. The Morovis is born in the Morovis ward. Its affluents are the Honda, La Casimba, Grande de Morovis and Fránquez gorges.
Mainly agriculture; coffee and cattle, complemented with light industry.
Average Salary:
$235.36 weekly (1998)
The flag of Morovis is divided vertically in two equal parts. The immediate one to the mast is yellow and has the eagle of the Coat of Arms, in this case with the head facing right toward the pole. The other half is divided in seven vertical stripes of equal width, four red ones alternated with three yellow ones.
Coat Of Arms:
The Coat of Arms of the Municipality of Morovis is formed by an eagle in the left partition, which symbolizes San Juan Evangelista and sings in honor of the founder of the town, Don Juan Evangelista Rivera. The five “cuatros” (Puerto Rican instruments) observable in the right partition symbolize the fact that the town of Morovis is the main center of production of such typical Puerto Rican instruments. The shield in the center represents the Order of the Carmelite Nuns, and symbolizes as well the Virgen Carmen, matron of the town.
The left half is a field of yellow color (yellow for gold) in which resides a saber (black) eagle, beak and claws in red, its head enclosed with a halo. The right half division is in red with five cuatros (Puerto Rican instruments) in yellow (for gold); and in the small center shield, the Coat of Arms of the Order of the Carmelite Nuns. At the top is located a three tower crown of yellow, lined in saber (black) with red doors and windows.
Places of interest:
- Covachuelas caves
- Siña Carmen Cave
- El Mamingo Pond
- Azul Pond
- Los Machargo Bakery
- Cultural Center Diógenes Colón Goméz
- Torrefactora Agrícola coffee roasting facility
- Homage to Don Felo – May
- Patron Saint`s Festival in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – July
- Cuatro Festival – July
- Day of the Holy Innocents – December 28
Distinguished Citizens:
- Angel G. Quintero Alfaro – Professor, writer and essayist. Dean of general studies at the University of Puerto Rico(1950-1958) and secretary of education (1962-1968).
- Baltasar Corrada del Río – Resident Commissioner (1977-1984), Mayor of San Juan (1985-1989), and supreme court justice judge (1995- until present).
- Zaida R. Hernández Torres – Member of the House of Representatives (1985-1996) Was the first woman to be elected president of the House of Representatives (1993-1996), judge of the appellate court.
- José del Río de León – Mayor (1913-1920), representative (1929-1932) and senator (1941-1942).
- José Rivera Barreras – Prosecutor and superior court judge in San Juan.
- Heraclio Rivera Colón – Teacher and senator for the district of San Juan( 1949-1964), member of the Constitutional Convention that drafted the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico constitution.
- Manuel Joglar Cacho – Lyric poet. Some of his works have won awards from the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture.
- Monsignor álvaro Corrada del Río – Auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Washington, D.C. and Bishop of the Diocese of Caguas.
- Graciany Miranda Archilla – Poet, writer, journalist, and essayist.
Public Schools sorted by educational levels.
Morovis District
Name | Level | Telephone | Address |
BARAHONA | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-2010 | PO BOX 568 |
DR. PEDRO N. ORTIZ | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-3382 | PO BOX 387 |
ELEMENTAL URBANA | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-2570 | PO BOX 687 |
ESPERANZA GONZÁLEZ | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-2792 | HC 1 BOX 2386 |
FRANQUEZ | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-2440 | PO BOX 479 |
JOBOS | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-3469 | PO BOX 387 |
PERCHAS DÍAZ | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-3442 | PO BOX 459 |
VAGA I | ELEMENTAL | (787) 862-4713 | PO BOX 2157 |
ÁNGEL G. QUINTERO | INTERMEDIO | (787) 862-1716 | PO BOX 1571 |
DAVID COLON VEGA | SEGUNDA UNIDAD | (787) 862-2835 | PO BOX 1584 |
JOSÉ R. BARRERAS | SEGUNDA UNIDAD | (787) 862-2814 | PO BOX 400 |
JAIME A. COLLAZO DEL RIÓ | SUPERIOR | (787) 862-2300 | PO BOX 370 |
¡Oh Morovis, tu vives latente,
en los pechos de todos tus hijos
aunque diga el refrán “La Isla menos”
aunque el mapa te muestre algo chico!
¡Son tus lomas de varios verdores
amplias vías ya son tus caminos
pero aún cuentan historias muy viejas
con sus linfas cantoras tus ríos.
¡ Oh, recuerdos de ayer que dormitan
en las calles de nuestro pueblito!
¡ Oh, la Iglesia que eterna en el centro
es vigencia de fe en Jesucristo!
Aquí está la heredad moroveña
es acervo de todos tus hijos,
que haya fiesta y que el verbo
acompasen tus guitarras… y cuatros… y güiros.
Y marchemos con Fe hacia el futuro
a forjarlo con mil sacrificios
sin jamás olvidar el pasado
¡Por siempre Morovis, unidos!